Sunday, February 15, 2009

Some much N-E-W!

I haven't written in here for awhile because I have been super, duper busy. I have also wanted to lay off the technology for a week or so and get my life together :)

Today is Sunday-- a brand new week! I have been feeling kinda gross this week and after reading some other blogs, listening about J and my mom's experiences, I decided to do the Master Cleanse detox! It is 10 days of herbal laxatives, a lemonade (consisting of lemon juice, maple syrup and pepper). It sounds awful but after reading about it, the results sound remarkable. Can't wait to begin! I wanna use this blog to list how I am feeling and such. All in all, it will be kinda of liberating to not depend on food at all throughout the day.

The weather is getting warmer! El and I have been enjoying long walks around the neighborhood.

Have lots of tests and papers coming up this week...jumping on that...NOW.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I've finalized my arrangements to study abroad in Italy this summer, and I am pretty sure my parents/friends are tired of hearing about it. It's all I think/talk about. I am obsessed.

I am leaving May 24th (if I get accepted, that is) for the UT "Learning Tuscany" study abroad program. I will be living most of the time in a town in the Tuscan region called Castilglion Fiorientino with a host family. There, I will be taking art history, architecture, and Italian culture courses. We will also be spending time in Florence, Siena, and Rome. I will be return 4th of July! Only problem: I need $10,000. With the economy and all, I have started applying for loans, financial aid and scholarships seeing as I do not have the kind of money, and neither do my parents.

The weather in Austin has been extremely cold. I swear I rode my bike while it was sleeting yesterday. I walked into class, and my professor looks at me and says, "well that will sure put a damper on your day, huh?" I am assuming I looked like one big icicle. Hoping school was going to be canceled today, but it wasn't. I dunno why that concerns me, I didn't go anyways. I love Pass/Fail :)

This weekend should be fun! Tomorrow night M wants to get together with people to see "Stripper Idol" at the Bellagio. Some dt shows Fri and Sat night. These festivities depend on how much $$ I can bring in before then.

Watched an extremely interesting interview with Ted Haggard on Oprah today. He was a very wealthy, influential preacher who got caught paying to have sex with male prostitutes and purchasing crystal meth. His family was exiled from the church and the entire state of Colorado, and he struggled for years to get hired anywhere. Years later, the state "forgave" him and welcomed him back with open arms. His family never left his side the entire time. Just goes to show everyone has skeletons in their closet, but things always work out.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


If I didn't write about what happened to me today, then I should just give this whole blogging thing up. So here it goes...

I was waitressing Sunday brunch. Taking a couple's order when a group of seven sat themselves. I walked over to the table after I was done with the couple, and the lady said, "where the hell are the menus?" I went to the hostess stand, brought them menus, she opened one, and said, "I want the chicken and rice dish that is one the dinner menu." I said it was actually Sunday brunch, so the menu was a little different this morning. She turns to her father (I guess that is who it was) and says, "we are never coming here again." In the course of the meal, these people:
- DEMANDED a dish be made for them that was off the menu.
- Sent back three cups of coffee because they said it was cold after I had just made them.
- DEMANDED the food be ready in 5 minutes.
- Used the f-bomb (there was a young family sitting three tables away) four times.
- Said, "Where is your manager? I want her phone number and email address. You will not be here a week from today."
- Received their food, took one look at it, got up, and left. No, they didn't pay (I did have a delicious chicken and rice lunch today!)

I know. I should have threw that piping hot cup of coffee at that lady's face. Instead, I cried. Oh did I ever. Cried, cried, cried. Baby status.

My poor co-worker was trying to make me feel better. "Hey, you should do something fun today. Like, go get margaritas....or go to a museum!"

I was telling my father this story, he was of course shocked. Said he and my mother were at a friend's house lastnight and they told him they had gotten handwritten hate mail after a column he had written about how the ex-swimmers had taken pieces of tile from the floor of the pools before the closed the WAC (this was an emotional moment for some people-- we had spent at least 6 hours every day of high school at this place.) These letters said they would be reported to the police.
Can you believe people?

If you are reading this, please don't be one of these people. Besides realizing that servers are people too, don't ever be rude to the same person who is about to serve you lunch. This lady must have never seen "Waiting." Ha.

I did one of the stupidest things I have ever done after a too many drinks lastnight. ONLINE SHOPPING. I had to remind myself this morning what I actually bought.

Have a good week everyone...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Relationship and technology

Was asked to write about how text messages, facebook, and myspace ruined my love life. I answered...that it hasn't, but in fact made it better. I am growing up in the technology age, and cannot remember and time without cell phones, instant messaging, and google. I mean, really, when was the last time you used a payphone? Anyways, this essay threw me for a loop. My "Postmodern America" professor asked us Tuesday morning if he thought all of this technology and always feeling like you were on call felt like an invasion of privacy. Some said yes, but I said no. I think the internet, text messages, and always being connected has dramatically changed relationships, but for the best. Getting a thoughtful text in the middle of your busy day is a wonderful feeling, and being "friends" with people I was close with in elementry/middle school on facebook is a fabulous way of seeing how people change.

Anyways, my essay looks something like this as of now:
I want to take this personal reflection not discuss so much as to how text messages or the World Wide Web has destroyed my love life, but rather, how it seems to have altered my relationships in a way that can sometimes be more exciting and fun. I obviously grew up in the technology generation, and cannot remember a time without cell phones or the Internet. Therefore, when I began to seriously date someone, these items have always been present. The only recollection I can gather as to how relationships were before cell phones and the Internet are TV shows like Seinfeld and the first couple seasons on Sex and the City. One of my favorite scenes of Sex and the City was when Miranda helped Carrie set up AOL for the first time, and when Carrie’s ex-boyfriend’s screen name signed on, she called Miranda and screamed, ”Oh my god he’s online! Can he see me?” She then hid under her desk. In this day and age, it’s fun when someone you are attracted to sends you a text in the middle of the day just to let you know they are thinking about you, or when you can let the whole world know you are dating someone by changing your relationship status on Facebook. These devices also forbid someone from being late to a scheduled appointment and/or date, and can be easier to detect cheating. When it comes to sex, fun text messages, digital photos, and video chatting can be just another way to bring excitement when a couple cannot be together. All in all, for these reasons, I believe text messaging, Facebook, MySpace and all the things that go along with the technology age bring positive improvements and excitements to love and relationships.

Life has been crazy. School has started, and I already have tons and tons of readings and homework. I already feel behind. I am working 5-6 days a week, making pretty good money, but all in all, I am exhausted. Spent tonight grocery shopping, doing laundry, and catching up on homework. My apt finaly doesn't look like something blew up in it.

My study abroad advisor has got me debating Tuscany instead of Milan. I will know more on Tuesday....but regardless, I am excited and ready to treat myself to an adventure.

To my girls that are reading this... I love you.

PS- the new Paul McCartney album is fantastic. Some people obviously never loose their touch.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just living

Officially began serving tables this morning at Sampaio's. Although I am still a little fuzzy about the menu, I had a lot of fun and didn't mess anything up to severely. Today Prof. B asked me to do a piece for Texas Music Magazine. I, of course, accepted and am really excited about this opportunity! As hard as I try to find a new talent besides writing, journalism opportunities keep knocking at my door. I'm gonna go with it and just see what happens :)

I really feel like I have lost touch with the girls I got close with at Peche/Cedar Street and it makes me really frustrated. When you are used to seeing these people on a daily basis, it is easy to make plans with them, but when you suddenly stop (and pretty much refuse to go on fourth street whatsoever), it can be really difficult to keep in touch. M and I talked yesterday and hopefully will makes plans ASAP as soon as we both have a night off and cash in our wallets.

Tonight... I am heading to Book Stop for a new read, Central Market for a bottles of pinot, and then back to my house to read, eat, and watch the Rockets. I vowed not to go out eatting/drinking til I have made at least $200 from Sampaio's.

I wonder who actually has kept up with their New Year's Resolutions as of now. I have been good with a couple, and not-so-good with a couple others. I'm going to try harder.

There is supposed to be a hard freeze tonight in the Austin/Houston area, so stay warm out there.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Back in Austin!

I came back to Austin Wednesday morning to get settled and begin looking for a new job. I am currently incredibly broke-- living off of PBJ's and microwavable oatmeal. I spent all day Thursday job hunting, and took the first one that was offered to me. I am now working at Sampaio's, an upscale Brazilian restaurant relatively close to my place. My first night of training was tonight-- the staff and manager seems cool, the food looks and smells amazing, the money is defintley there, and overall, I am happy :)

I always go through what seems to be withdrawal after breaks/holidays from being home and spending time with my best friends. This year, after J left, I was really frustrated that we live half a country away from each other. She has truly been my rock over the past few years, as I hope I have been with her, and I always feel like life would overall be much better if we lived closer to one another. As far as my family goes, when I am home I feel like I am in high school again and feel the need to let my mom know everytime I leave the house (even though I have realized that my younger sister who actually still lives at home doesn't even do that), and when I go back to Austin, there is a sudden silence when I do things completely on my own.

School starts on the 20th. I think I am really going to like my schedule, seeing as only one of the classes I am taking is actually required. Until then, I am just going to try to make as much money as I can, get the apartment organized for the upcoming semester, and do things that I never get much of a chance to do when classes start back-- i.e. running at Town Lake, taking El to the dog park, casual reading, bike rides, and seeing some shows.

I have been very up-to-date (and probably one of the main reasons I am so broke) with the movies that are in the theater. Last year I tried to see all the movies that were nominated for the Golden Globes/Oscars and saw all but "No Country for Old Men," which just so happens to be the only one that really counted. This time I hope to see all of them before the Oscars, I am really only lacking "Revolutionary Road" and "The Reader." There are sooo many good movies out this year, the awards should be really interesting. As of now, these are who I think should win:
- Movie/Drama: Slumdog Millionaire
- Actress/Drama: Meryl Streep/ Doubt
- Actor/ Drama: Frank Langella/ Frost-Nixon
- Musical/Comedy: Mamma Mia!
- Actor/Comedy: James Franco/ Pinapple Express
- Supporting Actress: Amy Adams/ Doubt
- Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger/ Dark Knight
- Best Screenplay: Benjamin Button

Have a good weekend :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

The End of the Holidays...

It's been awhile since I've written on here...

The Holidays are over and SO much has happened. I got fired (or I quit, I am really unsure as to what happened exactly) from Peche so I have been home with my family. It's been great spending time with my girlfriends and helping out around the house for my parents.

For New Years, I had dinner at E's and then went over to J's family New Year's party for games and lots of drinks. It was the perfect way to start off 2009 the way I want. My resolution is to take control of my life and make the things that I want to happen, happen. Having said that, I didn't think spending too much money at a bar and hanging out with people I will never see again was what I really needed.

My sister's birthday is Sunday and my dad's birthday is the 10th and then I will be back in Austin getting my stuff together and finding a new job.

I am introducing my sister to "Thelma and Louise"... one of the greatest movies of all time. More later.